We start off, but at the end of the third day we get an emergency task to accomplish. 我们开始工作,但是在第三天结束的时候我们突然有了一个紧急事件。
Tuesday, China required that all milk products produced a month ago should be pulled off shelves for emergency testing. 周二,中国要求所有于一个月前生产的奶制品下架接受紧急检验。
The crew members were scrambled into escape capsules ready to fire off for an emergency return to Earth after Nasa officials spotted a piece of space junk hurtling towards the path of the ISS. 在美国国家航天局发现一块太空垃圾正在飞向国际空间站的轨道上之后,今天国际空间站的成员们紧急撤离到了逃生舱,随时准备紧急返回地球。
The first chartered plane took off about nine hours ago, on Wednesday afternoon, also carrying a joint task group and emergency relief materials. 第一架撤离在利比亚人员包机是在周三下午起飞的,比第二架早了9小时,上面同样载着多部门联合工作组和应急物资。
He then switched it on and sliced off his left foot above the ankle& throwing it in the fire so it would not be possible to reattach it before he called emergency services. 他打开电锯的开关,将左脚从脚踝正上方的位置锯开,在叫救护车之前,他把断脚丢进火里,这样急救人员就没有办法帮他接回断肢。
It was suggested that we put off the meeting because of emergency. 由于紧急情况,建议我们推迟会议。
Duty doctor: The duty doctor is a doctor standby off site that is responsible to provide medical service in case of medical emergency on site. 值班医生:医生的职责是待命已备现场,负责提供医疗服务的现场急救。
In the process of rescue, power supply is automatically cut off and at the completion of rescue, it automatically restores to a power and emergency awaiting state. 在应急救援运行过程中,自动切断电梯供电,到应急救援完成后,自动恢复到候电状态和应急救援等待状态。
The central bank wants to wean banks off its emergency funding programme. 欧洲央行希望让银行摆脱对其紧急融资项目的依赖。
If the car comes off the track because the driver has misjudged a braking point or is struggling with a technical fault, the run-off zone acts as a sort of emergency brake. 如果一辆赛车因为车手错误判断了刹车点或者遭遇了技术上的故障而冲出了赛道,缓冲区就扮演了类似紧急刹车的作用。
She says that her court narrowly missed "falling off a cliff" last month by getting an emergency loan. 她说,她的法院上个月获得了紧急贷款,勉强没有“坠落悬崖”。
If the water is cut off, use emergency water supplies& in water heaters and melted ice cubes. 如果水源被切断,使用热水器里的水或融化的食用冰块水救急。
When the family gathered to discuss matters of finance, father started off by saying that it was absolutely necessary to set aside some money each month, for in an emergency we could fall back on our savings. 一家人聚拢来讨论经济问题时,父亲一开头就说,每月存点钱是绝对必要的,遇到紧急情况,我们可以依靠积蓄。
Employees turn off machines where possible, leave by the nearest exit, close all outside doors behind them and gather in the Emergency Response Area. 员工要关掉就近的机器,从最近的出口离开,关闭所有出口,并在紧急响应区集合。
Keep in mind, we're talking about a state where the pink slip has become the state flower, where they are laying off teachers and cops, raising tuition and charging people for some emergency calls. 要记住,我们说的是一个解雇率失业率非常高的州,他们解雇教师和警察,提高学费,向一些紧急求助电话收费。
Financial department staff Xiao Li wants to get off work early due to family emergency, but there are some mistakes of statistics in sales report, making Xiao Li increasingly annoyed. 财务部小李家里有急事想早点下班,可是,销售报告中有一些统计错误,小李越来越烦。
For once, I want to get off work early. This assignment brought me my first emergency promotion. 这一次我想早一点下班。这一次的任命,是我第一次紧急擢升。
Greece has been an early casualty as its stocks and government bond markets have been sold off during the past few weeks amid worries that, once emergency support from the European Central Bank is removed, the economy will implode. 由于市场担心一旦欧洲央行(ECB)撤销紧急支持措施,该国经济将会崩盘,希腊股市及政府债券市场在过去几周遭遇抛售。
Please take off your high-heel shoes in an event of emergency landing. 飞机紧急迫降时请把高跟鞋脱掉。
Many of these workers are now cycling off Federal Emergency unemployment benefits, which expired November 30. 其中许多工人定期领取即将于11月30日到期的联邦失业应急救济金。
Exit lights in some facilities have been turned off during the show or the ride, but will turn on automatically in an emergency. 部分设施的逃生照明平时将不开灯,但会于紧急状况时自动亮起。
The plant power cut off test was done in the course of the HTR 10 hot testing in order to verify the function of the HTR 10 emergency power supply system. 在10MW高温气冷实验堆热态性能调试期间进行了全厂断电试验,用以验证10MW高温气冷实验堆应急供电系统的功能。
The come off to control emergency measures during intraoperative aneurysm rupture are administrating the controlled hypotension anesthesia and blocking the parent artery or closing the rupture position with gelatin sponge and medical adhesive. 有预见性地采用控制性低血压和暂时阻断载瘤动脉或用涂以医用生物胶的小块明胶海绵封闭破裂口是术中控制动脉瘤破裂出血的重要应急措施。
Also, the valve for shut off the steam in emergency did not act properly, owing to the property of the executing machine did not match with the working principle of the chiller, replaced the executing machine and it run normally. 另外还出现蒸汽关断阀不能正常动作的情况,原因是阀门执行机构工作特性与制冷机工作原理不匹配,更换执行装置后动作正常。
Based on this, has combed the Shanghai natural disaster public event crisis management development vein, clears off the Shanghai emergency system frame the establishment situation, has analyzed the present Shanghai natural disaster emergency management main result and the extant question. 在此基础上,梳理了上海自然灾害紧急事件危机管理的发展脉络,理清上海市应急体系框架的建立情况,分析了目前上海市自然灾害紧急事件危机管理的现状及现存问题。